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Selectmen's Minutes August 19, 1997
Minutes of August 19, 1997 Selectmen Meeting

Selectmen Present: Chairman Charles Flynn, Judy Murdoch, Catherine Kuchinski, Peter Jones.  Joseph Nugent, Executive Secretary.

I.      Chairman Flynn called the meeting to order at 7:40pm by announcing the loss of an extremely valuable and loved member of our community, Angela Erban.  Moment of Silence.

II.     Transfer of All Alcoholic beverage common victualler license from Novak, Inc., Marvin Novak, Mgr. to Daily Specials, Inc., William P. Lee, Mgr.
Mr. Lee explained the restaurant will remain the same in terms of operation.  Kuchinski asked if Mr. Lee was familiar with the TIPS program Mr. Lee replied that he was.  Jones was concerned with any parking changes, Mr. Lee said at this time there would be none.  
Motion by Murdoch to sign transfer of all alcoholic beverage common victualler license with hours limited to 11:00 am to close.  Second by Kuchinski, all in favor. 4-0 vote.
(Webster absent)

III.    Donald Ferguson, Tree Warden:
                1. Determine status of individual appointed by the Board of Selectmen to maintain beautification of the roadsides.  After some discussion the Board determined this would be looked into.  Mr. Ferguson suggested that himself take over the responsibility if no one is interested.  
                2. Discuss appointment of the insect and pest control warden and gypsy moth superintendent.  Ms. Kuchinski determined that Phil Wyman is appointed to both of these positions.  Wyman to be contacted by Joseph Nugent & Donald Ferguson.
                3. Discuss an article for revolving funds for replacing trees in town.
Flynn explained this is something that is under the control of the Planning Board. Kuchinski suggested he send a request to the Planning Board regarding the replacement of trees when a subdivision comes before them.  There was some discussion about an article for the town meeting for additional funding to take care of additonal tree removal.
                4. Other Tree related problems:  Mr. Ferguson explained the need to take down trees that are dead.  He asked if there are any funds available to hire police detail.  Nugent suggested he speak with Chief King.  Nugent explained to Mr. Ferguson that if he has some costs that he would need to put an article in for the October Town Meeting.  Kuchinski suggested he do some proactive work by getting an updated list with a relative cost figure.  There was some discussion regarding funding issues.  The Board thanked Mr. Ferguson for coming in .

IV.     Lou Russo - to discuss Media One Changes:  Ms. Russo announced the Broadband Festival at Stonehill College Thursday evening 7-9pm.  
Some changes that are taking place:
        A new line up is in place( she left some samples with the Board).  
        Media One Express- High speed internet access.
Ms. Russo addressed the Customer Service issues that have been a problem for customers such as on hold times. She explained that Media One is aware that this is unacceptable and it will be worked on by implementing new techniques, new training and call segmentation. Russo suggested that customers for now should try calling after 6:00pm the wait is much shorter.  She also announced the relocation of the corporate headquarters from Boston to Denver.  

Question from the audience- Are they replacing all of the boxes?  Russo explained they may be changing some of the older boxes to fit the new technology but not all of them will be changed. Kuchinski asked if Hanson can only access 95 and 96 for pay per view.  Russo explained this is an old message that needs to be changed but Hanson has many channels they may use now.  Kuchinski asked if Hanson residents’ use of the Studio has changed.  Russo was not aware of any rule changes.  Jones was interested in knowing about  broadband  and interactive TV.  Russo explained Broadband is a powerful 2 way wire; and interactive TV is, the smart box which is an extra service it allows you to scroll through the programming channel.  Jones wanted to let Media One know there have been many complaints that cable is becoming somewhat expensive.  Warren Emerson, Cable TV committee told Russo there have been many complaints regarding the long wait for the Hanson page on channel 3.  Russo explained there are other towns on that channel and each are allowed 20 pages. This frees other channels for programming.  Nugent read some comments from Carole McCormack, Cable TV. committee. (1) Channel 6 infomercial channel, Russo explained this is temporary. (2) channel 46 is WHRC , Russo explained this is mandatory.
Murdoch wanted to know what happened to the Travel channel.  Russo said the ratings were low so it was dropped.(if anyone would like the travel channel back they should write to media one)  Kuchinski wanted to know what the clicking noise in her cable box was. This is just your cable box trying to transmit information.  Kuchinski wanted to let Media One know everyone she has come in contact with from the company has been very professional.  The Board thanked Ms. Russo for coming.

V.      Request for appointment James Gaul - Cable TV Committee - 1998
Motion by Murdoch, second by Kuchinski.  4-0 vote (Webster absent)

VI.     Flynn read a letter from Funeral Director Robert Biggins to Chief King.  The letter was thanking the police for their help with the funeral proceedings for Angela Erban.  

VII.    Annual Vote to allow package store openings Sundays from before Thanksgiving to the Sunday before New Years.  Motion to allow the openings from 12:00 to 11:00pm by Kuchinski, second by Murdoch.  4-0 vote (Webster absent)

VIII.   Flynn announced the death John Travers.  He served this community for many years.  He was known for his perpetual smile.  He will be missed by all.  Moment of Silence.  

IX.     Vote Goals and Objectives - Town Accountant, Treasurer/Collector, Executive Secretary and Police Chief.  Kuchinski had a few questions regarding the Goals and Objectives. (1) Could the Treasurer/Collector add to her Goals and Objectives: factual presentation on Tax Title properties. (2) Is there an explanation of terminology such as TAN, BAN, RAN? Jones would like to add “Courteous” to the Goals and Objectives of Treasurer/Collector.  The Board discussed the Goals and Objectives further.  Kuchinski requested a copy of the Purchasing Policy, and also questioned what constitutes an emergency for reserve funds.  Flynn explained this is under the jurisdiction of the Finance Committee.  Kuchinski wanted to make sure the proper procedures were being followed.  Kuchinski requested that the Selectmen should be aware of any transactions that occur.   Kuchinski asked Nugent if he could at some point down the road start a handbook for the public that would help them to know about their government.
Murdoch made a motion to accept the Goals and Objectives with the added changes.  Second by Jones.  4-0 vote (Webster absent)

X.      Adopt Drug and Alcohol Policy:  There was some discussion on who this will cover.  It was determined the policy will cover those who require CDL Licenses (this does not include van and bus drivers).  Kuchinski asked who the test review officer would be  Nugent will look into this.  Nugent briefly mentioned there will be a need to hire a testing company.  The office has received information on Jordan Hospital, Good Samaritan, Foley Labs and The Newport Alliance.  Kuchinski raised the question of the Water Department implementation of this policy.  The Board decided to hold off on the voting of this policy until the next meeting.  

XI.     Vote to accept minutes of Selectmen Meeting minutes of 6/3/97 ; 6/17/97 ; 7/8/97; 7/22/97.  The Board decided to wait until the next meeting to accept the minutes.

XII.    Sign Vo-Tech transportation contract- Wallace & Wallace :  The Board signed the contract.

XIII.   Vote to sign grant of easement - Lot 10 King’s Landing Way. Motion to sign grant of easement by Jones, second by Murdoch.  4-0 vote (Webster absent)

XIV.    Request for release of 61A Land- Parcel 1B2a.  Some discussion. No action taken.

Action Requests:

Jones requested an MBTA update for the next meeting.
Murdoch had no requests
Kuchinski requested a session on flag etiquette from the Boy Scouts.
Kuchinski requested we contact the Scouts  to open the October Town Meeting.
Flynn reminded the citizens of Hanson that the warrant for the October Town Meeting closes on September 9th.

Executive Secretary Report

Nugent updated the board on the status of street acceptance. Some of the streets that will need  some more work before going to the October Town Meeting are as follows: Puritan Drive, June Elaine Drive, Chandler Mill Lane, Hammond Rd, Country Lane and Donna Drive. Streets that are ready for acceptance are as follows: Lexington Street, Greenbriar Lane, Forest Trail, Acorn Road. Kuchinski requested that Nugent put this information in writing for the Street Acceptance Committee.

Flynn updated the Board about a meeting that was held with the school committee on August 18, 1997.  They presented objectives from the Town Accountant to the School Committee.  It was an informal session to keep lines of communication open to enhance the Budgeting process.

Jones updated the Board on the Golf Course Study Committee.

Flynn mentioned the School Building Committee bids are in for the Pre K-8 School.  There will be a formal ground breaking soon.

Kuchinski updated the Board on the status of the signage at the Grange.  She spoke with Dan Ward, he will be in touch with the Zoning Board of Appeals to take care of the situation.  

XV.     Executive Session Request:  Move into executive session under exceptions 3 and 6. Motion by Murdoch, second by Jones.  Roll call vote: Murdoch, aye; Kuchinski, aye; Jones, aye; Flynn, aye.  4-0 vote.  The Board will be re entering open session in order to adjourn.  Board left open session at 9:25pm for camera breakdown.  

XVI.    Adjournment:  Motion to adjourn.  Motion made by Flynn, second by Kuchinski. 4-0 Vote. Adjourned 11:00 pm.